Questions for communities in West Lothian

Bespoke Atelier have started their work on Remembering Together in West Lothian. Find out more about them here.

As part of their work , they are asking members of West Lothian's communities to respond to some questions about their experience of the Covid pandemic and lockdown. You can share your thoughts by following the links below, or you can visit West Lothian Council's webpage for the project instead by following this link (Remembering Together - West Lothian - West Lothian Council)

Please take part in as little or as many of the questions below, your individual responses are confidential and you will not be identified personally.

To answer the questions, please use the links below, if you would like to know more please email at:

Thank you for taking part!

What did the Covid pandemic make you appreciate?

Even though the pandemic is a scary and strange experience for everyone, did it make you appreciate anything even more? This could be something about your local area, a part of “normal” life you miss, or maybe a hobby you picked up!

To answer please click HERE

Where was your safe space during the Covid pandemic?

During the Covid pandemic, our homes and local areas were more important than ever. Did you have a room in your house, a seat in your garden or a park near you which made you feel good? We would love to hear about your safe space down below!

To answer please click HERE

What did you do / see outside of your window when isolating?

When isolating, we have to spend a lot of time indoors, looking out of our windows, sometimes our only way to interact with the outside. Simply write a description or poem below, or reply to our email with a picture. Thank you for your input.

To answer please click HERE

Which word best describes your experience throughout the Covid pandemic?

The past few years have brought an intense mix of emotions for everyone. It is important for a community to support those who want to reflect, remember and heal from these hard times. Which word sums up your Covid experience the best? Click the link below to select from our list or tell us your own in an email.

To answer please click HERE


Exhibition: I sit here and watch and wait


Remembering Together, Art Walk, The Language of Flowers